Teacher Training for Montessori Schools
Teaching is a noble and respected profession and we need well educated and dedicated people who want to educate our children. Montessori has schools all over the world on six continents, but you need to have a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree to get started and then will need to add some specialized Montessori classes as well. There are lots of ways to get started.
Go and visit a Montessori school and make an appointment to talk to the administrator. Ask for advice and see if you can get a tour. Perhaps you can volunteer at the school and see what you think of it. Go ahead and dream about it a little. Don’t let anything stand in your way of fulfilling your dream of being a Montessori teacher.
The American Montessori Society has a wealth of knowledge for those who are interested in becoming an Administrator, Guide or Teacher in one of their schools. Learning their teaching methods and guidelines is very specialized. For important information and guidelines about this go to this site https://amshq.org/Teacher-Resources/Become-an-AMS-Montessori-Teacher-or-Administrator. Read through all their top line categories for valuable information and resources. You may even find scholarships, job openings and other incentives.
Montessori for Everyone http://www.blog.montessoriforeveryone.com/teaching is a great blog with resources for everyone. You can even check them out on Facebook. Have some fun reading the blog and gaining some more information.
Think of how happy and excited you will be when you are finally fully qualified and can apply for a job in the area of your choice. There are thousands of opportunities all over the world. Visit Mountainside Montessori near our nation’s capital, for some great information about their school and students and interviews with teachers and parents and tons of great information. This is a great school in Marshall, Virginia. It’s a great school and you will love the beautiful campus. Just imagine working at just a beautiful school. You can find them here. https://mountainsidemontessori.com/faculty-staff/.