Tag Archive for: biology

Cells (by the Adolescent Students)


201709_Adolescent_CellsProject_237.2 trillion! Although scientists do not actually know, this is their best estimate to date of the number of cells in the human body. That is a lot of cells. The adolescent class began their science study this year with cells, connecting with our larger theme this trimester of “origins.” Read more

A Grizzly Discovery (by Mason, 8th grade student)

The Q?rius “A Grizzly Discovery” program (pronounced “curious”) is a hands-on forensic educational program. The goal to this is to determine whether bones found in the forest belong to a missing person who disappeared in that same general area. The instructors provide all of the bones and provide instructions and assistance in using them to determine if they belong to the person missing.

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Lab Science is Fun, Hands-On Science!

This post was written by Shannon Falli Lasser, one of our Mountainside parents. Shannon facilitated a cow eyeball dissection lab with the Elementary students.

“Is it going to explode on us when we cut into it?!” They asked the question with nervous excitement as we embarked on our dissection journey. “No,” I assured them, “it won’t exactly explode, but there will be plenty of vitreous humor to examine once it’s opened.” This question – and others that followed – made it clear that the children were very much engaged in the lesson at hand. All were eager to get down to the serious business of cow eyeball dissection! Read more