Montessori Education System
An Education Is More Than The Sum Of Its Parts
Today’s Montessori education system is increasingly competitive with schools vying for the top spot in county tables and the best results in tests and exams – even for children as young as six and seven. Not only does this add considerable stress to the lives of teachers and principals but, studies show that these young children are also suffering the effects of the pressure to compete.
An education for life
At Mountainside Montessori, one of the best Montessori schools in Virginia, we firmly believe that a child’s education is so much more than learning to read and write and passing tests. For the past 14 years, we’ve been dedicated to not only providing an academic education but an education for life. A few years back, a study revealed that an alarming number of children have no idea where basic food groups come from and how they are raised / grown. What’s the point of our children being able to add and subtract without a basic understanding of the world that they live in?
To address this imbalance, our schools have, since 2010, included hands-on sustainable agriculture and environment activities for all children as well as free play in nature. We believe that children need to be taught to respect and protect our Earth and, where better to start than in the earth itself?
Giving something back
By learning to grow crops and to spend time in nature, we know that our students are receiving much more than the ability to pass tests – they’re learning life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.
Oh, and by the way, our students are also great at passing tests too – Mountainside Montessori School is the best Montessori academy in Virginia as recognized by AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) for maintaining their standards and the high level of excellence that Maria Montessori envisioned.